Privacy Policy

On this page you can read NoviStem Privacy Policy (hereinafter - “we”, “us”, “our”) regarding personal information that we can receive via the Internet when you use NS-RABIES.RU website and all its subdomains (hereinafter referred to as the Site) and the services or products provided on the Site (hereinafter referred to as the Services).

We treat your personal information with attention. In order to ensure your trust, we have taken measures to protect your privacy in relation to transactions performed by you on the Site. The Privacy Policy defines how the collection, storage and processing of your personal information that is collected when visiting the Site occurs. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. This will help you make informed decisions about the disclosure of your personal information when using the Site.

1. Consent to the Privacy Policy

Your entering the Site means your unconditional consent to this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing your personal information specified in it. In case of disagreement with these conditions, you should refrain from using the Site.

2. Intellectual Property and Use Rights

We inform you, and you agree that the Site is our intellectual property and is managed by us. Information, graphic, audio, video, photo materials or other content of the Site and materials posted on the Site are our intellectual property or the property of the copyright holders, which provided us with the right to post these materials on the Site.

All intellectual property rights, including copyright, related rights, exclusive rights to company names, business names, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual rights in all materials or contents of the Site belong to us or our partners.

We provide you with a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to access and use our Site and its materials. The Site and the materials posted on it are intended exclusively for your non-commercial use. Other use of the Site or its materials is prohibited without our prior written permit. You agree not to perform any, all or some such actions like copying, reproducing, transmitting, distributing, selling, commercial using, changing, processing or creating derivative materials from the materials and the contents of the Site. These actions performed in relation to the Site and its materials are illegal and may provide for liability in accordance with the applicable laws. This restriction does not apply to your messages and announcements on the Site.

3. Applicable Laws

When entering our Site, you accept the fact that all issues related to visiting and using the Site, including compliance with this Privacy Policy, are regulated in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. When processing your personal data, we are guided by the provisions of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

4. Personal information

The information that we have the right to collect about you depends on how you use the opportunities provided by our Site.

We may collect the following personal information:

  • Personal information related to you as a person, including your personal data, such as your name, E-mail address, phone number and other similar information that you provide about yourself voluntarily when you register on the Site or in the process of using the Services, send us a letter or agree to receive electronic information messages from our Site or in any other interaction with us. The personal information required to provide the Services is marked in a special way. Other information is provided by you at your discretion. You are not required to provide us with your personal information. Nevertheless, if you prefer to refuse to provide it, you may not be able to visit all pages of the Site and use all the Services;
  • Data that is automatically transmitted to the Site in the process of using it with the software installed on your device of the software user, including your IP address, geographical location, information about the browser or other software with which you access the Site, technical specifications of the equipment and the software you apply as the user, the date and duration of the visit to the Site, the pages you view, the website address from which you went to our Site, cookie data and related information, which does not allow us to identify you.
  • We do not verify the accuracy of the personal information you provide. However, we proceed from the fact that when using our Site you provide reliable and sufficient information and keep it up to date. You hereby represent and warrant that in relation to any personal data that you provide on the Site, you have the right and are authorized to provide such personal data for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

5. Purposes of personal data processing

we collect and store only that personal information that is necessary for the use of our Site and the provision of the Services to you, as well as for the implementation of any legitimate purpose specified in this Privacy Policy.

We may process the collected personal information for the following purposes:

  • To identify, authorize and authenticate you as a user of our Site;
  • To provide you with personalized Services;
  • To execute Agreements concluded with you;
  • To communicate with you, including to send notifications and information regarding the use of the Services, or about changes in our policies, as well as to process your requests and applications;
  • To inform you about our products and services or the products and services of our partners or to provide you, taking into account your actions on the Site, information that, in our opinion, will be of particular interest to you. You will also allow us to take into account your individual preferences and provide you with a higher level of service, in particular, we can send you invitations to presentations and other events held by us or our partners, together with which we organize these events;
  • To target ads;
  • To evaluate, optimize and improve the quality of the Site, the Services and the convenience of their use in accordance with your preferences;
  • To conduct statistical and similar studies based on anonymous or de-identified data;
  • To recognize, examine and prevent actions that may violate our policies or be illegal.

From time to time, we also may invite you to provide personal information in the form of surveys or questionnaires, participation in which is exclusively voluntarily. Personal information collected in the course of such surveys or questionnaires is used to inform you of the results of surveys or questionnaires, as well as to improve the use of the Site or increase satisfaction with the Services.

6. Advertising information and marketing materials. Withdrawal from the participation

In addition to the stated purposes of processing personal information, we would like to inform you of news, promotions and special offers that may be beneficial to you. We value your time and attention, therefore, we control the distribution of advertising information and marketing emails.

The Site provides you with the opportunity to refuse to get such materials by clicking on the link specified in the letter you received, or by choosing another available way to unsubscribe. You can also change your settings to receive or not receive marketing emails or update them.

Please note that we are not responsible for the actions of third-party sellers and advertisers. We strive to work with reliable companies, but we are not able to control their actions. Nevertheless, you can inform us about your experience in interacting with any third parties with which we work, so that we have the opportunity to improve our offers.

7. Terms of processing personal information and its transfer to third persons

we maintain the confidentiality of your personal information, except in cases where you voluntarily provide information about yourself for general public access. Please note that your personal information that you post on your personal page, in comments to publications and on other publicly available Services, can be viewed by other users.

We will not transfer your personal data to other persons, with the exception of a limited number of circumstances, including the following cases:

  • When you give consent to such actions, for example, you authorize us to share your personal information with other websites;
  • When your personal information is provided to other persons with which we have partnerships, including in connection with your use of a particular Service, to the contractors which services we use to perform our activities or the operation of our Site, or if the transfer of your personal information occurs within sale, assignment or other transfer the business of the Site by us, in whole or in part. In this case, we will require such persons to treat your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy;
  • When we cooperate with financial institutions to jointly offer you products and services. In this case, financial institutions will be prohibited from using your personal information otherwise than to jointly promote products and services;
  • When the transfer of personal information is provided for by applicable laws in the framework of the procedure established by laws or is carried out in accordance with a court ruling;
  • When necessary to ensure the protection of our rights and other legitimate interests, rights and legitimate interests of other persons or users, in case of violation of our policies or agreements;
  • When, as a result of processing your personal information, anonymous statistics are received that are transferred to another person for research, work or services on our behalf.

8. Changing and deletion of personal information. Data storage

At any time, you can change (update or supplement) the personal information provided to us, in whole or in part, using the editing function in the relevant section of the Site or in the personal section of the Service.

If you decide that you do not want your personal information provided to us to be used for any purposes defined by this Privacy Policy, you can exclude yourself from the list of registered users of the Site by deleting your account by yourself or by contacting us. However, deletion of your account may result in the inability to visit some pages of the Site and use some Services.

We keep your personal information for the entire period during which you are a registered user of our Site. If your account is deleted, we keep your personal information for one (1) year, unless the applicable laws provide for the mandatory storage of personal information for a period specified by law.

Your right to change or delete your personal information on the Site may be limited in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws. In particular, such restrictions, for the specified reason, may stipulate our obligation to keep the information changed or deleted by you for another period and transmit such information in accordance with the legally established procedure.

9. Processing personal information using cookies and counters

we use cookies as the basis for interacting with your Internet browser to automatically collect personal information.

Cookies are a small portion of textual information that our Site transmits to your browser, and the browser stores and transfers it back to the Site with each of your requests to the Site. Some cookie values can be stored only during a one-time session of your connection with the Site and are deleted after closing the browser. Others installed for a certain period of time are recorded in a special file and stored on your computer.

Cookies contain information that allows the Site to identify your browser when accessing the Site and visiting the pages of the Site. Using cookies, we collect information such as time you spent on the Site, areas of visiting the Site, websites with links to and from our Site, other additional information. The structure of the cookie, its content and technical parameters are determined by the Site and may be changed without sending you our prior notice. These cookies do not allow us to collect personal information about you.

Using cookies is a common practice. We use cookies to remember users of our Site and save their personal preferences and settings, to provide them with personalized Services, to target ads that are displayed to users, for statistical and research purposes, for security purposes, as well as to improve the Site and Services based on user preferences.

Please note that the equipment and software applied by users to visit websites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies for any or for certain websites, as well as deleting previously received cookies. At any time, you can delete cookies saved on your computer yourself, change the settings in your browser settings so that the browser stops saving all cookies and notifies you of their sending. However, in this case, some functions of the Site and Services may stop working, work more slowly, or show only textual information. We reserve the right to establish that the provision of a certain Service is possible only on condition that the acceptance and receipt of cookies is permitted by the user.

There are also meters in place on our Site that are used to analyze user cookies, to collect and process statistical information about the number of users of the Site, about the use of the Services and the popularity of service settings, about the frequency of visiting the pages of the Site, to monitor traffic, to evaluate the technical capabilities of the Site, to create the maximum possible compliance of the Site with browsers applied by users, as well as to ensure the operability of the Site and Services in general or their individual functions. The technical parameters of the operation of the meters are determined by the Site and may be changed without sending you our prior notice.

10. Measures used to protect personal information

we take organizational and technical measures that we consider necessary and sufficient to ensure the protection of your personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of other persons with it. From time to time, we review our procedures for ensuring the security of personal information and choose suitable new technologies and methods. However, even with the most advanced technology, no website is completely secure. In those unlikely cases where we believe that the security of personal information we have received may not be provided, we can inform you of such a development of events. If such a notice is justified, we will make every effort to inform you as soon as possible, taking into account the circumstances.

11.Links to other sites

This Privacy Policy applies only to this Site and does not apply to any other websites, even if such websites contain a link to our Site or there is a link to these websites on our Site. We may show links to other websites that we believe may be of interest to users of our Site. However, we cannot guarantee high standards of confidentiality security on other websites to which we link, or be responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. Please note that these websites may collect personal information of users and that they operate in accordance with their own privacy policies, which may differ from this Privacy Policy. When you switch to other websites, we recommend that you read the privacy rules that are used on them, because as soon as you leave our Site, any personal information you provide is no longer controlled by us.

12. Making amendments to the Privacy Policy

we reserve the right, from time to time, to modify this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, in order to reflect new technologies, industry practices, regulatory requirements, as well as for other purposes. We encourage you to periodically re-read our Privacy Policy in order to be informed about how we protect your personal information. In case of amendments to the Privacy Policy, an updated version of the Privacy Policy with a modified publication date will be published on our Site. This is a sufficient notice of amendments to the Privacy Policy, and we may not provide you with other notifications of amendments. However, if we are talking about significant amendments, we will notify you by posting a visually striking notice of such amendments on the Site, or by sending you a notification directly. Amendments to the Privacy Policy come into force from the moment they are posted on the Site. Continuing your use of this Site and visiting it after the publication of amendments to the Privacy Policy means that you thereby accept amendments to the terms of the Privacy Policy.

13. Feedback. Questions and proposals:

We welcome your comments about the operation of the Site, our activities and our Privacy Policy.

Any questions or suggestions can be sent to the email address: